Monday, April 22, 2013

Travelwide 4x5 camera

I was so excited to see this new project started by some friends of friends, a portable 4x5 camera- yes! It's called a Travelwide and is currently on Kickstarter. The project has been funded but I encourage you to go check it out and secure a camera for yourself. There's really no comparison when it comes to the quality and beauty of large format photography. Ben Syverson anJustin Lundquist have created a lightweight, portable 4x5 camera that is easy to travel with. I am so excited to try this out! I also love being able to support my peers in their creative endeavors. Here's a little video about it. 

Shooting with the Travelwide from Ben Syverson on Vimeo.

p.s. this is my 200th post!

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